About Us

The Father Daughter Project is a collaboration of individuals and organizations that have come together to help improve the relationships between fathers and daughters worldwide.  We believe that in some small way this great work can help make the world more caring and compassionate, and we are seeking the help of and assistance of individuals and organizations worldwide. 

Are you a father…
Are you a daughter…
Tell us you story. 

The above phrase is the essence of The Father Daughter Project.  

This website and associated materials are just a starting point.  Our hope is that you the visitor will provide input and content by sharing your own stories, observations, ideas, and experiences about your father or daughter.  Your words may touch another father or daughter in wonderful ways that you may not even be able to  imagine. 



Jim is founder and president of The Father Daughter Project.  He has been a behavioral management specialist for Fortune 500 companies for more than 12 years when he discovered that he didn’t have as close a relationship with one of his three daughters as he thought.  He wondered if other dads also faced a complexity when trying to interact with their daughters, so he set out to interview fathers of daughters across the U.S. and Canada.  This was the seed that began The Father Daughter Project.  

He has also been involved in regional leadership for The Mankind Project (MKP).  This is a non-profit men’s training and personal development organization.  MKP provided him additional access to the kinds of emotional obstacles that many men face.  

Most significantly, Jim is the father of four children, a son age 30 and three daughters age 19 through 26 (he is a father-in-training – he hasn’t quite gotten it right yet, but he is trying).  

Jim and his wife of 35 years, Pam, reside in Thousand Oaks, California.  


Founder’s Message: 

The Father-Daughter Project began as a way to learn the experiences of other fathers with daughters—directly from them.  

We wondered if other dads with daughters struggled with the complexity of the relationship between a father and his daughter as we had. After all, the relationship with a son can be easy for many dads. We get them. We understand what a son is going through. But with a daughter… there is something profoundly different.  

101 dads graciously came forward to share their own personal stories, on recorded telephone interviews. They came from almost all fifty states and Canada, ranging in age from their twenties to their eighties. They were straight or gay, married, divorce or widowed, of almost every race and economic situation. They were similar and different from each other in numerous ways. But the two things they all had in common were, they were the father of one or several daughters and they were willing to share their stories.  

This work is a compilation from these interviews with 101 fathers with daughters—in their own words. Some were incredibly funny, some were deeply sad, but all were real.  

What we gained from their words was profound beyond our wildest expectations, so this work is our opportunity to share these words and interviews with you. We hope you enjoy them as we have.  

James Bond and The Father Daughter Project team