Media Overview – 7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men

What Fathers of Daughters Teach Us About What Men Are “Really” Like

By James I. Bond, Founder
The Father-Daughter Project™


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WOMEN Wanting Greater Happiness and Success in Life!

MEN Wanting Better Relationships with Women!

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Here’s a powerful, unexpected way for women to boost their happiness and the kind of success they enjoy in their lives!

Whether she realizes it or not, a woman learned much about what men are “really” like, and how she fits into a world dominated by men, by watching and listening to the first man in her life, her father.

But what if she missed something? What if there are secrets buried deep that most men will not share… secrets that could change a woman’s entire understanding of what men (and her own dad) are “really” like?

In this lively discussion, behaviorist James I. Bond will take your audience on his incredible journey of discovery, into a world rarely seen by women—the private fears and feelings of men (as experienced through the eyes of fathers with daughters).

Through all this, your audience will discover unexpected ways a woman’s self-image and how she interacts with men have been molded by the relationship she’s had with her own father.

Most importantly, your audience will learn how hundreds of women have opened the door to unexpected happiness, often for the first time in their lives, by using these powerful secrets in their own life.

As a bonus, your audience will also find out where they can get their own personal copy of the book, “7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men,” absolutely free!



1. Author Overview / Founding of The Father-Daughter Project™ and Mission Statement

2. Audiences for this book

3. Book Graphics (For Media Use)

4. Website

5. Sample Interview Questions

6. Contact Info


Downolad PDF of Book “7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men”


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1. Author Overview


James I. Bond is founder of The Father-Daughter Project™ (, which was established to strengthen the relationships between fathers and daughters. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Secret Life of Fathers” (From Intimate Interviews with 101 Fathers of Daughters), upon which the “7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men” is based.

James has been a behavioral management specialist for more than 20 years, having worked with many of America’s largest organizations. He has also been in regional leadership for The Mankind Project (MKP), a non-profit men’s training and personal development organization.

Most significantly, he’s the father of a son age 31 and three daughters age 21 through 28. As he explains it, “I’m a father-in-training. I haven’t quite gotten it right yet, but I’m trying.”

James and his wife Pam of 35 years reside in Thousand Oaks, California.



For fourteen years, James I. Bond was president of a training and human development company, serving many of the world’s largest organizations. His firm was a pioneer in using behavior management to accelerate human development (getting people to change their lives by altering a few of their habit patterns).

This, combined with his involvement in The Mankind Project (MKP), helped him gain a deep understanding of issues and blockages that prevent men (and dads) from having better relationships with women and daughters.

Personally, James also discovered his own relationship with Lauren, one of his three daughters, was not as close as he thought. His focus on career aligned with an indefinable barrier had somehow prevented him from being closer to her.

James wondered if other dads were as clueless as him about their relationships with their daughters. So, he set out to ask dads across the U.S. and Canada about their own experiences and discoveries of being father to a daughter. Through the wisdom and experience of other dads, he hoped it would help him better understand what was going on between his own daughter and himself.

Ultimately, 101 fathers of daughters agreed to be interviewed on recorded calls, covering about two-hours of highly personal questions.

What James discovered from these interviews–not just about dads, but about what men are “really” like, beneath their often carefully-guarded images–was more profound than anything he could have imagined.

The quotes and stories from these dads became the seed that launched The Father-Daughter Project™ and the groundbreaking book, The Secret Life of Fathers.

“7 Things Most Women Don’t Understand About Men” emerged from the book and interviews as seven universal themes about men that surprised and fascinated women and men alike.  By highlighting them in this new book, our hope is that, in some small or large way, emotional and communication gaps could be bridged between fathers and daughters, and between men and women, providing an unexpected means for greater happiness and success for both men and women.


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2. Audience for this Book

~ AUDIENCE: There are 2 specific audiences for the book, “7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men”:

+WOMEN wanting to improve their relationship with their dad (and with men) or wanting a powerful and unexpected way to increase their happiness and success in life while improving how they relate to men.

+MEN curious about the misunderstandings women have about what men are “really” like (what fathers of daughters show us about what men are really like).  But also, men who are interested in understanding how deeply a woman’s father has affected her self-image and how she interacts with men… how understanding that could help a guy’s relationships with women.


~ OUR MISSION: FOR WOMEN and DAUGHTERS – Greater happiness and success in life!

I believe most women don’t understand very much about why men act the way they do.

I also believe most women have no idea how much their self-esteem, the ways they interact with men, and how they see themselves fitting into a world mostly run by men, is affected by the relationship they’ve had with their own father.

I hope to change all that while giving women awareness and tools to help improve their ability to find happiness and success in life, far beyond what many may have believed possible.


~ OUR MISSION: FOR MEN – Better relationships with women!

I believe most men don’t fully understand why women act the way they do… the subtle and not-so-subtle impact a woman’s father has had on her self-image and the way she interacts with men.

I hope to change all that while giving guys an awareness of the most common misconceptions women have about what men are “really” like.


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3. Book Graphics (For Media Use)

(Copyright notices and art sources listed at end of this section – note: All photography and art have been approved for reproduction)

1. Fear of Women...

2. Need to Feel Heroic...

3. Emotionally Trapped...

4. Affected by a Child's Judgement...

5. Suffering Through Emotional Storms...

6. On Unsure Footing...

7. Living a Commitment-Free Life,
With One Exception...

Photo sources: 1. iStockphoto; 2. Microsoft Stock Images; 3. Microsoft Stock Images; 4. Flickr photo by jbird (Creative Commons License 2.0 release including Commercial Use); 5. Microsoft Stock Images; 6. iStockphoto; 7.


SHORT VIDEOS (for the source book, “The Secret Life of Fathers”)


~ VIDEO #1: Official video trailer for the book, The Secret Life of Fathers:



~ FUNNY VIDEO: Dads tell about discomfort talking to their daughter about… SEX…

~ Dads tell how strange it is for a guy, having a daughter…

~ A Dad’s pain at having a Daughter with alcohol and drug problem – she’s finally clean for 7 years!

~ A Dad almost loses his premature Daughter…


BOOK AND FACEBOOK EXCERPTS for The Father-Daughter Project™

~ ABOUT THE BOOK, “THE SECRET LIFE OF FATHERS”: Here for the first time you get to eavesdrop on 101 real fathers of daughters as they talk about a subject rarely discussed–the private fears and feelings of fathers of daughters.

Sometimes incredibly funny, sometimes profoundly sad, but always real… this has been described as one of the best training manuals ever for understanding what men are “really” like, by observing fathers of daughters.

Photo source: Microsoft Stock Images

Photo source: Wikipedia / Wiki Commons / Photo by Skivaly21
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Photo source: Flickr photo by jbird
(Creative Commons release including Commercial Use)

Photo source: iStockphoto

Photo source: Flickr by Έλενα Λαγαρία (ELENA LAGARIA)
(Creative Commons release including Commercial Use)

Photo source: Wikipedia / Wiki Commons (US Government Photo)


Facebook Link:

Request a PDF of the book’s interior “The Secret Life of Fathers”


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4. Website

~ Website:


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5. Sample Interview Questions


For James I. Bond,

Author of 7 Things Most Women Don’t Know About Men,
What Fathers of Daughters Teach Us About What Men Are “Really” Like


  1. So James…
    Where did you get the idea for a book on what MEN are really like? (Answer Takes 90 Seconds)
  2. How are fathers different than other guys? (1 Minute)
  3. Did you interview any women? (30 Seconds)
  4. What’s something men don’t understand about women? (90 Seconds)
  5. What are the 7 things women don’t know about men? (1 Minute)
  6. (1) What do you mean, “Fear of Women”? (1 Minute)
  7. What’s next? [(2)Need to “Feel” Heroic] (30 Seconds)
  8. For #3, guys are Emotionally Trapped? (1 Minute)
  9. You say guys often communicate in just two volumes? (30 Seconds)
  10. What (4) Affect do Kids have? (1 Minute)
  11. (5) What “Emotional Storms” do guys have? (1 Minute)
  12. What do you mean – (6) guys are On Unsure Footing? (90 Seconds)
  13. Guys have a (7) Commitment-Free-Life… with One Exception?
    What’s the exception? (1 Minute)
  14. What’s the biggest take-away from all this? (1 Minute)
  15. Where can our audience go for more information? (30 Seconds)


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6. Contact Info

James I. Bond
The Father-Daughter Project™

Thousand Oaks, California